Saturday, September 13, 2008

Spam Sushi in Pohnpei

First stop
First Time I've seen a warning about spitting Betel Nut on the floor

I have officially made it to Micronesia. I'm in Kolonia, Pohnpei the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia. The trip here was amazing. Long but amazing. We stopped twice in the Marshall Islands, once in Kosrae, then finally to Pohnpei. The views were incredible from the plane as we landed. The water here is so blue and I could see the reefs and the beautiful trees. Breathtaking is the best way to put it. The Peace Corps staff and some of the current volunteers met us at the airport, then we headed to the hotel where we will stay today and tommorow. They had snacks for us... Fresh bananas (really small sweet ones), coconuts with straws for the coconut milk, sushi rolls made with SPAM (excellent I must say), taro root chips, and other yummy treats.
Our 3rd Stop.. Kosrae
I just finished my interview with the Peace Corps staff about my placement. They wanted to know my goals and what I thought about an outer island placement. I've thought about that alot since accepting my invitation to serve here. Honestly, I'll be happy wherever I'm place, but I'm really intrigued about the idea of serving on one of the more traditional states like Yap. I'de love to be in a place where the dress, customs, and everyday activities are still the traditional native ones, and this is what I told them. My only issue with being on an outer island, besides lack of communication, would be the fact that I have my egg allergy. If I ever did have a bad reaction I would be more nervous on an outer island than a main island about getting treatment if I need it. But, wherever they send me I'll take smiling.

For dinner the food was amazing... two giant platters of the freshest sashimi (raw marinated) tuna that I've ever eaten was my favorite along with this awesome fish banana coconut milk soup.. but we also had taro and breadfruit, local staples.. and Rice and more sushi rolls. Yum!

Tommorow we have our shots and medical interviews and our host family conference. Then Monday we go to our first host families where we will really begin the training. I still can't believe that I'm here. It seems like a dream, a very nice dream, but it's real and I feel so thankful to be here. I know that this is going to be an incredible experience. I just know it! Wish me luck, because Micronesia I'm all yours!


Anonymous said...

Wow ... Verina ... you made it! Would have loved to have been there for the tuna ... sounds very yummy and very tasty :-) Can't wait to hear how your first week has went.

We are all very proud of you!

Anonymous said...

You made it! What an exciting way to begin. You are amazing and will do such fine work there, and you will learn and experience so much! Enjoy each moment.