Thursday, December 11, 2008

Beneath the Beauty

Looking around, ideal, bliss
Tropical paradise it seems
Bathing in Equitorial Sun
Lush vegetation, smiling faces
Ahh, the beauty of this place

Rub your eyes, look closer
take off the shades
to see the scars
Tongue bleeding
from months of biting it

Coconut palms hide drunken messes
The pain of alcoholic hell
Jobs suffer, families suffer, bodies suffer
Budweiser profits and smiles
Even granting us special cans...
Bud Nation

Hibiscus flowers hide violence
Drunken fights and domestic scars
women bracing themselves
voices halted by years of tradition
South meets North, high meets low,
Husband meets wife, drunk arms swinging

Grass Skirts hide failing bodies
chew rotting teeth
tobacco granting cancer
diabetes robbing kids of parents
Spam profits, Pepsi profits, Yap loses
Imported addictions thriving
Learning how modern influence can kill

So come, with your cameras ready,
capture the beauty, watch dances,
enjoy the view
But know this....
what you see is only the surface
For even in paradise, an iceberg lies below


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't forget that paradise is in the eye of the beholder. All around the world is ignorance poverty or alcoholism. Humanety has been destroying paradise scince the beginning of time. So keep smiling, enjoy what you can I am absolutely sure that your presends there will touch quite a few islanders and even if you just teach one or two of them to be on the right track your mission will be worth while. love DAD

Anonymous said...

Wow that was really deep..there is always more than meets the eye!

Island boy said...

Very nice blog. I'm happy that you made the best decision. I'm from Gagil(wanyaan)reside here in the US. Hope your doing great. Tekker.